Donor Acknowledgement & Naming Rights
Monetary gifts or physical items of an agreed value will be acknowledged in-line with the following categories -
Founding Benefactor | contributions of $250,000 and above.
Benefactor | contributions of $50,000 to $249,999.
Donor | contributions of $10,000 to $49,999.
Supporter | contributions of $3,000 - $9,999.
Key Friend | $200 – $2,999
Friend | contributions of $1 to $199.
Naming Rights
Naming Rights of specific physical spaces within the building will be given to Donors who contribute at a level equal to or greater than the amounts listed below, and request naming rights:
Recital Hall Price on application
Foyer $250,000 (secured)
Greenroom (2) $10,000 (1 Secured)
Conductor’s Suite $10,000
Stage Store $5,000 (secured)
Small Studios (20) $10,000 each (6 secured)
Large Studios (4) $15,000 each (3 secured)
Piano Studios (5) $15,000 each (3 secured)
Vocal Studios (2) $15,000 each (1 secured)
Percussion Studio $20,000 (secured)
Early Childhood Music Room $15,000 (secured)
Ensemble Room 1/2 $50,000 (secured)
Ensemble Room 3 $20,000 (secured)
Musicianship Room $15,000
Recording Studio $20,000
Directors Office $10,000 (secured)
Donor Wall
Donors of a ‘Supporter’ level and above (that is, over $3000) will be acknowledged on the Donor Wall within the foyer of the Recital Hall
‘Key’ Donations
Donors of a ’friend’ level above $200 will be recognised as a ‘Key Donor’. Acknowledgement will be in the form of names affixed to deconstructed upright piano keyboards hung on walls throughout the building.
Other forms of acknowledgement
The ORC will acknowledge donors on the ORC website, concert programs, annual reports, and other forms of print and digital media from the time of donation until 12 months after opening of the building, unless otherwise indicated.
Donors of a ‘friend’ level will be acknowledged on the ORC website and Annual report for a period .
Acknowledgement Period Terms and Conditions
a. Donor Wall
Donors will be acknowledged on the Recital Hall Donor wall for a period of no less than 10 years.
b. Naming Rights
Donors will be acknowledged on a dedication plaque external to their sponsored space for a period of no less than 10 years. The ORC reserves the right to offer renaming rights after this period.
c. Key Donations
Donors will be acknowledged on a keyboard hung on walls in rehearsal and teaching spaces. Period of acknowledgement is indefinite.