Connect with people, instruments, song and fun through a program tailored for you.

Harmony Connect

Connect with people, instruments, song and fun through a program tailored for you.

“Music is easily accessible, highly motivational and can be used as an effective tool to support wellbeing, mood regulation and social interactions.” - Rushton et al., 2022

Research suggests that engaging in music activities stimulates new neural networks and so assists in developing attention, problem solving, communication and social skills.

Having the opportunity to connect with an instrument in a group setting provides a unique avenue for non-verbal communication and safe tactile stimulation. This presents a non-threatening and easy way to participate in a social group.

Harmony Connect is an innovative new Community Music Occupational Therapy program, facilitated by the Orange Regional Conservatorium.

This Innovative Community Participation program will address key objectives for Self Managed and Plan Managed NDIS Clients. Harmony Connect aims to provide a safe space for clients to interact socially, develop a sense of belonging and increase social resilience through engagement in music activities.

Your Facilitator

Our Harmony Connect program will be delivered by Occupational Therapist, Kate Rose BMus, DipEd, MOT. Kate is a skilled OT, Musician, and Educator employed by the Orange Regional Conservatorium, with a wealth of knowledge and experience working in Occupational Therapy organisations.

Clients will be supported to reach goals such as:

  • Increased social participation

  • Improved cognitive function

  • Increased enjoyment and quality of life

  • Improved self confidence and self esteem

Class Times (to be confirmed with facilitator)

Weekly, one hour classes that are age specific and are now available for Plan and Self-Managed Clients with Intellectual Disability, Level 1 and Level 2 autism, agenesis of the corpus callosum, Down Syndrome, Developmental delay, brain injury, cerebral palsy, mental health.

Tuesdays Studio 6, Orange Regional Conservatorium

Wednesdays Studio 6, Orange Regional Conservatorium

Cost: Inquire below for more information about costs. 

Other groups will be made available in liaison with service providers as follows:

Clients on Home Care packages

Clients in Dementia care wards

Clients with Care Provider service agreements to attend Music Connect

For more information on Harmony Connect and how it may be of benefit you or NDIS Clients, please contact:

Kate Rose BMus, DipEd, MOT

Or complete the following form: